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Self-Awareness  Lessons

Adaptable Lessons:

Identity Web (DePamphilis)

Students write tidbits that make up their personalities.


Participation Self-Evalution (DePamphilis)

Students reflect on their participation in the class and identify strengths as well as areas for improvement. 


General Lessons:


Movement and Mindfulness Breaks (Rotondo)


Students have allocated time for movement and mindfulness breaks guided through videos provided in the google docs above. 


Own Your Learning (Zellers)


Students reflect on their own learning including their strengths, weaknesses, and support needed to succeed. 


Introduction Video (DePamphilis)


Students introduce themselves in a video or slideshow format explaining five tangible items that have meaning and five important parts of their identity. 


Student Questionnaire (Rotondo)


Students introduce themselves through a google form about their identity. 

Do Now's (Zellers)
Quick check-ins to begin a lesson. 
  • What is something that helps you when you feel stressed/anxious? â€‹

  • What is something that makes you really happy? 

  • What is your favorite…(animal, color, dessert, ice cream flavor, fall activity, summer activity, etc) 

  • If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be? 


Conversation Starters

Conversation starters for all five SEL competencies

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