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  • All assignments on google classroom, with an assignment checklist, students are aware of missing work

  • Not grading homework, meaning students are responsible for their own learning and checking in when they need assistance. 

  • Movement Breaks, Encouraging positional changes (stand up, walk, stretch, move...)

  • Prompting questions: "Is that the best use of your time?", "How can I support you to accomplish this?"

  • I give students opportunities for self-management through independent work, with teacher check-ins. Students are also encouraged to use fidget toys, self-advocate for when they may need a break, etc.

  • Deep breathing/ monitor your breath, making goal / priorities lists, 1-10 how do you feel right now

  • Executive functioning strategies. Make schedules, work in a specific workplace, create a routine.

  • Check-ins about progress reports/grades (one on one) to discuss how they're doing

  • Identifying/using stress management strategies, setting personal/collective goals

  • Completing planning documents for assignments; completing step by step task lists; goal setting sheets; identifying their own needs.

Ideas for Self-Management  Lessons from Colleagues

Studying in Garden
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