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  • Group work with explicit instruction of norms for group work success 

  • Students created their own posters of class norms for success.

  • Encourage a safe classroom and critique any poor social practices as needed

  • Intentional discussion goals set as a class, followed by reflective comments on how we did as a class

  • Communicating effectively, developing positive relationships, cultural competency, teamwork/collaboration, standing up for rights of others

  • Group work helps students practice relationship skills. Students have to choose roles and talk about the expectations for each role. 

  • Kingian non-violence discussion protocols, using respectful discussion stems (I agree that... I see it differently because...)

  • Pair/Team/Group hands-on projects, facilitating conversations, stopping class to have a discussion about group dynamics

  • Socratic seminars, collaborative group work assignments, empathy journal work, narrative writing 

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