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  • Grading for equity - allowing students the opportunity to retake quizzes, edit papers, and improve their skills and grades. 

  • Offering students questions for thought such as: "What might you have done differently that might have changed the outcome?", "Let's brainstorm some other choices you could have made/choices you could make in the future.", "What do you think the impact of your decision/behavior was on the other person(s)?", "How would you have felt if the situation were reversed?", "What do you think you could/should do now?"

  • Student choice work and projects - students are offered multiple types of activities in a day and can choose the order in which they complete them or choose one option out of a few to complete. 

  • Creating opportunities for students to decide how and when they do certain assignments, or how they organize (e.g. choosing between a graphic organizer, a plain assignment, or an extension assignment)

  • Talk through options, make sure they have the right information, and always make sure the students know it's their choice, but that every choice has consequences.

  • Demonstrating curiosity/open-mindedness, critical thinking skills useful in/out of school, identifying solutions to personal/social problems

  • Create short and long-term goals

​Ideas for Responsible Decision-Making Lessons from Colleagues

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